10 Scummy Events in the Gaming Industry 2017

10 Scummy Events in the Gaming Industry 2017

1: Activision

Yet more microtransations on the list this time Activision and the patent that was discovered which showed a microtransation based matchmaking system for multiplayer games, with the method matching up stronger players against weaker players in order to try and tempt the weaker player into spending cash for the better gear that the other player has. While Activision has said that no games have features this method for microtransations the fact that it exists is revolting and just proves what scum suckers most publishers are.

2: EA

Historically the most scum sucking company on the planet in recent years however that reputation has been lessened, however in October of 2017 Electronic Arts who from now on will be renamed Extreme Arseholes, cancelled the upcoming Visceral Star Wars game and closed the studio, add in the rather robotic and generally insulting response from Patrick Söderlund as well and EA are back to form.

Maxis, Bullfrog, Mythic, Origin, Westwood, DreamWorks Interactive/Danger Close/EA Los Angeles, Black Box Games, Phenomic, Pandemic, Playfish, NuFX, Victory Games and now Visceral who will be next for the EA dungeon Bioware, Dice, Motive, Criterion who knows but one thing is sure a studio death under EA is a certainty.

3: Konami
They just won’t fuck off even though they said they were fucking off with the exception of the yearly Pro Evo Soccer releases to focus on mobile and pachinko machines. News that many rejoiced over after the axing of Silent Hills and the microtransation infestering (not sure that is even a word) of Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain.

However this year the scum suckers that are Konami returned, with the release of the Switch which saw Super Bomberman R dragged out from its watery grave where it laid next to Castlevania for years and guess what it was pretty crap and we have the insult that is Metal Gear Survive to look forward to as well.

Also add in Konami’s disrespect for former employees with the company rumoured to be pressuring other companies not to employ these former Konami slaves another rumour is Konami is not allowing ex employees to put their experience at the company on their CV’s to which I say tell Konami to go fuck themselves.

4: Warner Bros
Well known for their love of microtransation and cordoning off parts of main game story as DLC, Warner Bros have once again excelled themselves this time adding in the repulsive Loot Boxes to Middle Earth Shadow of War, the sequel to the very well received Shadow of Mordor, that games was not without controversies though Youtubergate which saw Warner Bros paying for positive exposure

5: Star Wars Battlefront II (EA)

Yes EA makes it onto this list twice not only cancelling a Star Wars game and liquidating the very talented studio of Visceral they couldn’t stop there however and they just had to fuck up Star Wars Battlefront II with loot boxes that have a major pay to win effect on the game  EA has come out and tried to play down the effects of the microtransations however this is EA so they are likely to double down on them.

6: Mass Effect Andromeda

I love Mass Effect, the original trilogy are some of the best games of last gen and while the very end of Mass Effect 3 could have been so much more the rest of that game was great, so as you can imagine I was very excited for the next adventure in the Mass Effect universe, even after the years of nothing but dipshits in offices for trailers I was still excited when if finally got my hands on the game and then meh.

The game did have plenty of good bits however the game seemed too bloated, the switch to an open world style did the game no favours the more linier original trilogy had so much more focus and as a result kept you interested from start to finish, add in the ditching off the planned DLC as well.

I hope if Bioware survives that one day we will get another Mass Effect my advice forget Andromeda and go back to the Milky Way and make the destroy ending canon, with Shepard surviving the galaxy in chaos with civil was breaking out with the lack of cohesive government and make it more linear like the original trilogy no more of this open world crap.

7: Steam (Valve)

Hear not for the failure to develop the next entry in the Half Life, Left4Dead, Team Fortress or Portal series but for the shocking state that steam has become. Even with the death of Steam Green light the tripe has not stopped appearing on the store, add in the countless games that somehow made it onto steam during the green light era, meaning many of the good games have been buried by the bile.

On one plus note for Valve they did recently remove the games uploaded to steam by Silicon Echo Studios with some 200 games being removed, well done Valve only 8400 to go.

8: Atlus
I have a lot of respect for Atlus they make some very very good games and all I can assume is they suffered some kind of Two Face split personality with one half excited to get their game into players hands while the other consumed by corporate arseholery decided that nobody could stream the game past a certain point. As you would expect this did no go down well with players and Atlus was able to cut out most of the arsehole that had infested the company.

9: For Honor
A game that had so much potential and what I played of the game I had a good time however the person that thought it was a good idea for a multiplayer game to use peer to peer deserves to be put in a sack beaten and driven out to the middle of the desert. And you probably guessed it microtransations once again rear their ugly heads to help drag down a game that could have been great.

10: Microsoft’s Never Ending Harping about Crossplay (it is getting old)

The internet is a wonderful thing go searching and you will find every comment made by XBOX executives about Crossplay and how Sony are big meanies for not letting PS4 owners sign up to Xbox live to play with Xbox users rewind to 7th gen and guess what Xbox refused cross play with Playstation as a result I really don’t blame Sony for telling them where to shove it, at the same time i don't blame Xbox for doing this however it has become old and to point where is has earned a place on the scum suckers top 10.

The year is far from over and many more scum suckers could emerge for the corporate cesspit could any of these top 10 be surpassed in the coming couple of months are any scummy moments from the year not hear leave a comment below with your worst moments of the year.
